
10 things about me

10 things about me, it might sound weird but its ME...

1. I love to read

2. I love photography

3. I love to have fun

4. My favorite things to do is my hanging out with my bff

5. I just do nerdy stuff when I am bored

6. When I was little I want to become a DJ

7. I love climbing trees

8. I am very talkative

9. I am a good listener

10. I love to dance and jump around

Well folks this is me...



Sometimes I wander whether I really am me right now. I want to feel like I feel back then, I want to be the old me. I guess everything changes, everything dissolved into nothingness, it is different here. I just can't help it hoping that I would be like the past.
I just can't help it, smiling wide without no worry...

Its so different now and then
its not like it used to be
its like the sky being covered in black clouds
its like the rain and no ground to absorb

I don't want to leave it behind
I don't want to pretend that i am happy
I don't want to forget all of the moments
I don't want to let go

but there are time when we have to continue
the time when we go on to pass the long road
the time when we will pass our destinations
the time when we will be guide towards the end of the canal

I realize I can not be selfish towards the end
I can not have a big ego
I just have to be grateful
and to have faith in myself