10 things I want to do before school starts:
1. Finish reading Ouran High School Host Club
2. Buy a new diary
3. Download new songs
4. Give my address to Mrs Manyame via email
5. Study chemistry, biology, physical science and math
6. Create more communication with my siblings
7. Try not to eat more POP MIE
8. Print photos
9. Fix my spectacles
10. Have fun!
Day 1, 18 December 2009
At last I can go home! I am so tired!!! When I get home I took Eclipse (my new novel by Stephanie Meyer) and read it in bed. Suddenly I fall a sleep and was woken up by Mom at 1 pm. She told me to pray, eat and change my clothes. Dammed, I just got home and I only slept at 2 this morning and woke up at 7 in the morning. At 2 pm we went to the car and have a long trip to Serang to visit Hanaan’s grandmother. I was so tired and fall a sleep again in the car. We arrive at Serang at 4 pm and stopped at a mosque to pray. It only took us a few minutes to find hanaan’s grandmother’s house. When I saw her, I couldn’t blink because she is beautiful. Even though she is old, she looks like she has so much energy. We talked until maghrib. We prayed there and got into the car at 7 pm and said good bye to her. On the way to the toll Dad stopped the car, Mom got out and bought BANANAS! We were at Jatiwaringin at 9 pm and ate at this bengkel kuliner. Then we got home at 10(I think) and went to sleep.
Day 2, 19 December 2009
Mom went to get our reports. Went mom got home I was scared to face her. Well my report is not that bad but I NEED TO IMPROVE!!! I am not going to let myself be in the bottom again! Around 7 pm, I open facebook and realized that ALFONSO BROLIN SIHITE, my classmate since the school orientation is LEAVING. I guess every one is sad because almost everyone comment on Mr Kamal’s note. I tried to call but he doesn’t pick up the phone. I send him a message via phone but he doesn’t reply. I even wrote him a message in his facebook. Darn it, we will be odd. 61 huh! What’s worse is that I heard he is going to 62 SHS, why not 61 SHS? WHY DOES HE HAVE TO PICK 62? IS IT BECAUSE OF OUR STUDENT POPULATION? Nah I don’t think so, maybe it’s because the school is near his home, but I still don’t agree for him to go to that school.
Day 3, 20 December 2009
Oma came with Oma Sul (my Mother’s aunt or my great aunt) at 8 am. I was still asleep then I heard their voices. They weren’t long here and went to uncle Faried’s house. I went to surf the internet and read Host club. In the night I ate CHOCO SOES AND YUPPI, my favorite snack!!! Yummyyyyyyyyyy………..
Day 4, 21 December 2009
I remember doing weird stuff during the holiday last year and one of them is dancing like crazy. Man I miss those days. Mom went shopping and its raining hard and I didn’t do anything much except sleeping.
Day 5, 22 December 2009
I don’t feel so lonely and I don’t missed WHS or MHT that much this holiday as I missed them last holiday (Ramadhan holiday). I open my facebook and saw what Brolin had type on my wall. He replied: “ah lebay lo ver.” Well that’s not the answer I want from him. I finished reading Ouran High School Host Club. Vika send me a message via phone about friendship thing and I just smiled when I read it. I missed her so much. It fogged tonight.
Day 6, 23 December 2009
Syifa and Lila (my cousin) came to play. I took a nap at 2 pm until 6 pm!!! Boy, when will get I get rid of this sleeping disease? In the night Mom went to Hasya’s house (my other cousin) and my siblings and I stayed home to watch television.
Day 7, 24 December 2009
I flash back a year ago when I were at the airport, crying and thinking about my friends that time I was about to leave Namibia for good. I nipped 3 packages of biltong (a kind of dry meat with seasoning) and wave good bye to Dad and the rest of the KBRI people (Indonesian citizen). I couldn’t stop looking at the sky and feeling miserable, I wanted to stay. When I lay down on my bed I couldn’t stop thinking that the next day I will be a year in Indonesia.
Day 8, 25 December 2009
Mom woke me up at 8 and told me to take a shower and get ready for the private teacher that is coming at 9 am. After I took a shower, I made a glass of milk and ate a slice of bread with the milk. Then I remember that today is my BEST FRIENDS BIRTHDAY, BUNGA! I send her a message and get ready to learn chemistry. I learned chemist until 11 because the teacher had to go to the mosque. Syifa and Lila came again and I fall asleep in seconds after studying chemist. When I woke, I watched Phineas and Ferb Christmas special (cartoon at Disney channel). I ate 5 puddings that were on the fridge this morning. Delicious they are!
Day 9, 26 December 2009
Woke up at 8 am and get ready for the private lessons. Chemistry again! But there is one problem, MY FLU IS BACK or I should have said ALERGY! I have to hold on to tissues while calculating stoikiometri problems. I guess that’s because of the puddings I ate last night. I was having flu non-stop until in the afternoon.
Day 10, 27 December 2009
When I woke up this morning I was so lazy because I am fasting. Mom was telling a story about last night. When she was about to go to the mosque she wanted to go through the silver tall gate. But it was locked so she tried to open it but it takes long and makes noises. Then obviously her eyes when directly to the front house, our neighbor’s house which has been empty since the holiday. Mom saw something moving in the place where they close that gate and went through the usual door we use then she ran to the mosque and only came home when it was light. Khalif (my brother) was scared and every time we came up with that story he will say stop that. The private teacher came and he teaches me physical science. I learned dimension and it’s not difficult at all. I watch Dark Knight (not until finish). We ate chicken Mas Wono so niceeeeeee
Day 11, 28 December 2009
Woke at 10 am and I took a shower. Then I study history about colonization in Indonesia because of Spain, Portugal, Dutch, and England. I ate fried rice, tofu, and soup. My chemistry or my physics tutor didn’t come because it was raining hard all day long.
Day 12, 29 December 2009
I woke up at 7 am to get ready for Physics lesson with my teacher whose name is Mr. Sandi. I was still sleepy when I woke up and I wanted to jump to my bed again. After the tutor finished teaching, I got bored and then I saw a red book that says diary! My sister’s diary!!! I quickly open it and read it before my sister came out of the bathroom. I read the last page that said that she broke up with her boy friend. Well it’s not like they will end up forever.
Day 13, 30 December 2009
I woke up with a weird dream. I was married to my friend or my classmate called A***. Gosh what a dream. And then my best friends were there: Michelle, Adam and Bunga. They were cheering for me and were happy for me. Then Mom woke me up and told me to take a shower. What a dream!!!
Day 14, 31 December 2009
I had another dream which makes me want to cry. It was a dream about my best friend in Namibia. In the dream I was in my previous school and I ran to my register teacher’s class. Suddenly I ran into my best friends Vicky and Gaby, Christina wasn’t there. They told me Christy was sick. I cried suddenly and hugged them tightly. I apologies to them about why I didn’t visit them this year. I can feel their warmth in their hugs. I asked them where Michael is, Michael is my other best friend that is a boy. I saw him across the building and I ran as fast as I could. When I was in front of his class I grab him and hugged him. He told me that he was sorry that he can’t be the right guy for me (I use to have a crush on him). I was woken up by a noise at the kitchen. How I miss my friend! I cried and try to not feel guilty. I hope that we will meet someday.
At 8 pm I started sending messages via phone to my friend Adam. We chatted about many things including New Year and our lives in 2010. A year had gone since I stood in the airport saying good bye to my friends, I hope that 2010 will be much better than 2009. I hope that I can do better in my school subjects and that God bless me all the time. Amin
Day 15, 1 January 2010
Last night was so noisy because of the fireworks. I could only sleep at 1 am. I spent a quality time with my siblings in the afternoon.
Day 16, 2 January 2010
Today is the last day to be at home. I went to Indomaret to buy stuff for the dormitory such as soap, tissues and shampoo. I started packing and put my bags in the living room. Then I played with my little brother before staying at the dorm for a month. We played with his dolls and played pretend doctor. I will miss them.
This holiday isn’t great neither worse but I enjoyed it rather than having no holiday at all. I hope my next holiday I could do more studying. Well, the holiday season will be over and I have to work harder to pass grade 10. I can't wait for the next holiday to come and be relaxing.
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