Ok I will start with Michael. Michael is this blond guy with braces and wear glasses too. Michael has been a sweet guy. He was always greeting people when he saw someone he knew. He has big feet, I mean VERY BIG! He wore 52 size shoes. He was in grade 8C and he was a class captain too as I was in grade 8A. It has been almost two years not having any contact with him, but when I saw his picture from my other friend's profile in Facebook. I miss him a lot.

hmmm who else oh ya! Peter! Peter was short when we were in grade 8. He is very annoying and he also fall in love easily with a sweet and beautiful girl. He was very good in accounting subject. Peter was very noisy and loved to play soccer. He was also a good listener and would always love to listen to any of my problems especially in class when we have free time (by the way we were in the same class). He was lovely and kind.

My other bestfriend was Fesse. Fesse was kind, very kind especially to me. I had a crush on him before until I found out that he liked my bestfriend-Gabriella. Fesse, like Peter, was always there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. He also liked soccer as much as Peter. Fesse and Peter were always there by my side to cheer me up and share their thoughts. Fesse also made good jokes and happened to have open mind. Fesse was gentle too, and he talked to me, he chose good words when he talked. I have been lucky to have Fesse in the same class as me, 8A!
Every break time I would be hanging around them. Fesse and Peter would be playing soccer while I hang out with my girlfriends and the only boy, Michael. I had special moments with each of them and all those moments were unforgettable. I love them as friends and I have always thought of them as part of my family. I love you guys. I will never forget about you.
Thanks for reading.
Every break time I would be hanging around them. Fesse and Peter would be playing soccer while I hang out with my girlfriends and the only boy, Michael. I had special moments with each of them and all those moments were unforgettable. I love them as friends and I have always thought of them as part of my family. I love you guys. I will never forget about you.
Thanks for reading.