1 year and 9 months
summer, fall, winter have passed
its spring now in Namibia
the cold weather still blow
the smell of flower bloom strong
rain start to drop
and the sound of your voice in my memory
play over and over like a broken tape
i missed summer, fall and winter
but i dont want to miss this spring
but i remember what you told me
"spring and everything here, will always be in your heart"
Love is STUPID!
Me:Give me a definition of love!
Google: lets see in Wikipedia..
Me: ok then lets see
Google: Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. Thats what wikipedia said
Me: owww, what do you feel when you fall in love?
Google: well, Your sight is zeroed in on that one person. It feels like your whole life is centered on them. Like they are the only thing that matters in this universe, the string that connects you to this life. "Like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time." When you see them, you just know.
Thats how it feels according to Mr. Google.
Love is stupid, it gives me nerves, it makes me dont want to leave my phone and makes me cry.
Love is STUPID and BLIND!
Google: lets see in Wikipedia..
Me: ok then lets see
Google: Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. Thats what wikipedia said
Me: owww, what do you feel when you fall in love?
Google: well, Your sight is zeroed in on that one person. It feels like your whole life is centered on them. Like they are the only thing that matters in this universe, the string that connects you to this life. "Like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time." When you see them, you just know.
Thats how it feels according to Mr. Google.
Love is stupid, it gives me nerves, it makes me dont want to leave my phone and makes me cry.
Love is STUPID and BLIND!
My Dreams
Hey readers! I would like to share with you guys about my dreams and I am going to try to make this dreams come true. I am dreamy person and I was always caught dreaming about becoming somebody else like a spy and my sister would think I was crazy because she caught me kicking and hitting about. But that was old news and I am going to make real dreams. Real dreams.....
- Lets start with what I am going to do after school
- I want to travel the world and learn the diferent culture
- Save the hunger from being hungry??
- Win OSN biology 2011
- Win Debating competition se-Indonesia
- Write a book and sell it, half of the money will go to save the poor
- Snorkeling in Bunaken
- Pay my brother's school fees after I got a job because he is 10 years different with me
- Be somebody, be somebody as in "FAMOUS"
- Make a movie and work with the most famost and smartest producer and director in Hollywood
- But the most dream I want to achieve now is PASS A-LEVEL EXAM WITH AN A+ AND PASS NATIONAL EXAM AND GET TO NYU!
Well I think those dreams above will do it, I hope I could make those dreams true. Thank you for reading guys.... I hope your dreams came true too
My Friends
Hello readers! I want to tell you about my friends who make me find the real me and show me that I can be confident.
I have a lot of friends but the friends that make me find the real me are my friends in Namibia. Namibia is a small country and you knew everybody. But friends like that are 1 in a million and that is true.
I came to Namibia in the year 2005 on February the 25th, and I went to school in Constancia Primary school. I didnt have any confidence and I was shy. But then I met Norah and Constance, 2 bestfriends since forever. The two girls are wild, crazy and they were more mature than I am. They showed me that bestfriends are unbreakable.
And then I met Brooke and Sipiwe who have problems with me (ok only Sipiwe have problem with me). The problem was she was jealous of me and that make me realise that I shouldnt care because at that time I cried and feel hated by her, but in fact we are still close now. I still send her messages through facebook and she replied.
After 3 years in Namibia, I found my true bestfriend: Vitjuukua. I have been in the same school in grade 7 and we met again at grade 8 in High School, Windhoek High School. She was always on the same page when I talk to her, she was fun to hang out and was always ready to listen to my story. She was my bestest friend, she knew how to cool me down when I get angry, she always hang out with me and sit next to me in class, she knew how to make me laugh and she was always there when I needed her. Vicky (her nickname), Gabriella, Christina and I were always together but Vicky is the closest to me. We 4 were in a geng called short skirt because we wear short skirt to school.
Even though we fight, we will all get back together again. I love them so much. Each of them have thought me something and that make me the person I am now. I will never forget about you guys.
Thank you for reading guys!
My playlist
This below are the songs that make me jumped, smile, laughed, and moved:
- Love the way you lie by Eminim ft Rihanna
- Ridin solo by Jason Derulo
- Eenie meenie by Sean Kingston ft Justin Bieber
- Hate that I love you by Rihanna ft Ne-Yo
- Kiss and tell by Justin Bieber
- Faithfully by Glee Version
- Pyramid by Charice ft Iyaz
- Break your heart by Taio Cruz
- Secrets by One Republic
- Stickwitu by Pussy Cat Dolls
- The only exception by One Republic
- Low by Florida
- Two is better than one by Boys Like Girls ft Taylor Swift
- When I look at you by Miley Cyrus
- Fifteen by Taylor Swift
- Bye bye by Mariah Carey
Check it out and listen to it
Start with the day I start school. I arrived early, before everyone even Bunda and then I saw new kids. I opened my new bedroom which was located right next to the stairs and on top of the grade 10's dining room. It's room 215! The girl in my year was odd so I was put in the same as the grade 10. Her name is Eugenta Agreeladya and she is in grade 10-2. Well I mind a lot but I got use to her until 3 days. Bunda moved her with a grade 10 chick because the other grade 10 chick doesnt have a roommy. Now I dont have a roommate anymore.
Well I got into a biology class and I was so excited. A NEW CLASS with NEW PEOPLE. I have been so happy because my bestfriends are in the same class as me Agnes Arnita Maharani, Michelle Andisari Rejeki Ginting, Bunga Diela and Vika Zakiyatun Nisa. I became closer to Nita and I trust her a lot, even though I am not in the same as Alexa or Sonya Alexandra Panjaitan, we met during break and sometimes I hang out with her at her room. Well as I said before I have new classmates: Tiroy, Echa, Putri, Syifa, Selma, Fio, Erza, Adam, Michelle, Vika, Bunga, Melysa, Grace, Agis, Meva and my former classmates: Krishna, Nazirah, Hani, Lindy, Nita, Vinny. Also I have a new curriculum called Cambridge A-Level. We have a cambridge class and my class was combined with the Physical Science class and we are called BISIK CLASS.
This is my second year in MHT and there are new student, the grade 10. The new students are so different than my year, they are quieter and no energy at all (maybe a few of them have).
Our previous teacher left because of some problems that make us down and I still cant get over the sadness. Can you imagine my favourite teacher left, the good and funny, the best of the best teacher, the fun and the boring, they all left. My favourite English teacher who tought me how to debate and now I owned a debate trophy because of her; my ICT teacher who tought me alot not just about computer and the new program but also about life and how to decrease a pain in life; my PE teacher, he has so much energy and he is very tough and strict but also funny; my Life Skills teacher who always motivates us and put his writing and stories in the bulentin board; my Maths teacher or my register teacher who was funny and gived us spirit to rise up when we are down; my Biology teacher who called student Tuti and Toto when she forgot the their name, she was always positive thinking and I like the way she teach us moral lessons; my Physical teacher who always give us a practical lessons; my Chemistry teacher who is very kind and ask how we are doing; last my Religion teacher who always get angry and we are very scared when we are in his class but when his smile it was like the brightest smile in the world. They are all very special, and I love them very much.
This year, we changed the catering twice, because the first catering wasnt polite, boring food etc. We all complained and we got a new catering.
We have new facilities such as the library, biology lab, chemistry lab, maths lab, physics lab, computer lab, language lab too.
Yes, its all new. But I could never forgot about the old one. If you have new clothes dont throw away the old ones but recycle or gave to the needy. NEW IS NOT ALWAYS THE BEST...
Start with the day I start school. I arrived early, before everyone even Bunda and then I saw new kids. I opened my new bedroom which was located right next to the stairs and on top of the grade 10's dining room. It's room 215! The girl in my year was odd so I was put in the same as the grade 10. Her name is Eugenta Agreeladya and she is in grade 10-2. Well I mind a lot but I got use to her until 3 days. Bunda moved her with a grade 10 chick because the other grade 10 chick doesnt have a roommy. Now I dont have a roommate anymore.
Well I got into a biology class and I was so excited. A NEW CLASS with NEW PEOPLE. I have been so happy because my bestfriends are in the same class as me Agnes Arnita Maharani, Michelle Andisari Rejeki Ginting, Bunga Diela and Vika Zakiyatun Nisa. I became closer to Nita and I trust her a lot, even though I am not in the same as Alexa or Sonya Alexandra Panjaitan, we met during break and sometimes I hang out with her at her room. Well as I said before I have new classmates: Tiroy, Echa, Putri, Syifa, Selma, Fio, Erza, Adam, Michelle, Vika, Bunga, Melysa, Grace, Agis, Meva and my former classmates: Krishna, Nazirah, Hani, Lindy, Nita, Vinny. Also I have a new curriculum called Cambridge A-Level. We have a cambridge class and my class was combined with the Physical Science class and we are called BISIK CLASS.
This is my second year in MHT and there are new student, the grade 10. The new students are so different than my year, they are quieter and no energy at all (maybe a few of them have).
Our previous teacher left because of some problems that make us down and I still cant get over the sadness. Can you imagine my favourite teacher left, the good and funny, the best of the best teacher, the fun and the boring, they all left. My favourite English teacher who tought me how to debate and now I owned a debate trophy because of her; my ICT teacher who tought me alot not just about computer and the new program but also about life and how to decrease a pain in life; my PE teacher, he has so much energy and he is very tough and strict but also funny; my Life Skills teacher who always motivates us and put his writing and stories in the bulentin board; my Maths teacher or my register teacher who was funny and gived us spirit to rise up when we are down; my Biology teacher who called student Tuti and Toto when she forgot the their name, she was always positive thinking and I like the way she teach us moral lessons; my Physical teacher who always give us a practical lessons; my Chemistry teacher who is very kind and ask how we are doing; last my Religion teacher who always get angry and we are very scared when we are in his class but when his smile it was like the brightest smile in the world. They are all very special, and I love them very much.
This year, we changed the catering twice, because the first catering wasnt polite, boring food etc. We all complained and we got a new catering.
We have new facilities such as the library, biology lab, chemistry lab, maths lab, physics lab, computer lab, language lab too.
Yes, its all new. But I could never forgot about the old one. If you have new clothes dont throw away the old ones but recycle or gave to the needy. NEW IS NOT ALWAYS THE BEST...
New York University

Hmm... Hello semua pembaca blog saya. Pertama saya ingin mengucapkan MINAL AIDIN WAL FAIDZIN. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. Ok, saya akan bercerita tentang sebuah universitas yang membuat saya menganga dan berliur, universitas itu bernama NYU kependekan dari New York University. Sekolah saya, SMANU M.H.Thamrin, memberi kabar tepat saat saya mendapat pelajaran PKN. Pak Dion atau bapak Djumadiono guru PKN saya mengumumkan tentang beasiswa ke Abu Dhabi NYU. Saya sangat tertarik karena Abu Dhabi yang berarti "LUAR NEGERI". Saya sangat ingin bersekolah di luar negeri dan ini peluang yang sangat berarti. Bapak Dion mengumumkan tentang presentasi sekolah NYU AD yang akan diselengarakan di Hotel Gran Mahakam di jalan kebayoran baru tanggal 2 September jam 17:45. Kesempatan yang tidak boleh di sia-sia kan. Tanggal 2 datang dan hari itu adalah hari terakhir sekolah. Saya sudah berkemas untuk pulang. Setelah sekolah selesai, saya berlari ke asrama dan meminta Bunda (pembina asrama) untuk memesan taksi. Tapi hujan turun dengan deras. Dan waktu terus berjalan. Sudah jam 3 lebih tapi taksi juga belum datang. Lalu saya bingung gimana caranya pulang lalu menuju Hotel Gran Mahakam tepat waktu. Ayah Lindy datang untuk membawanya ketujuan yang sama denganku. Lalu saya memutuskan untuk membawa semua barangku dan ikut mereka. Saat saya naik mobilnya, seragam masih basah dan saya bingung bagaimana saya akan menghadapi teman-teman dengan batik MHT yang sangat mencolok. Saya menelpon ibu saya dan memintanya untuk langsung ke tempat tujuan dan membawa baju formal. Selama perjalanan saya tertidur dan masih memakai seragam MHT. Setelah 2 jam menempuh perjalanan kami, saya, Lindy, ayah Lindy dan supirnya sampai di Hotel tersebut kami turun dari mobil dan bertanya di mana tempat meeting itu berada. Kami menuju ruangan tersebut dan di pintu tersebut berdiri 2 wanita yang membagikan file tentang NYU AD dan name tag. Lalu teman-temanku dan anak super SMAN 3 datang dan aku masih dengan seragamku. Adzan membuat kami berdiri untuk mengambil hidangan tajil. Saya mengambil chocolate melt, pudding jeruk, kolak, dan 1 cookies. Lalu saya menelpon ibu saya dan dia sudah dekat hotelnya. Saya menyusul ke lobby dan datanglah Mama. Mama membawakan baju hitam dan rok hitamku serta sepatu sendal manik-manik mama. Kami pergi ketoilet dan saya mengganti baju seragam dengan hitamku. Lalu kami masuk keruangan meeting tersebut dan menggambil makan malam yang sangat mewah. Saya mengambil makan malam dan duduk. Setelah semua orang selesai makan, MC membuka acara dan dilanjutkan dengan ibu Yrid Agus dengan cerita tentang NYU AD. Lalu dilanjutkan dengan Bpk Lukmaniode lembaga nobel indonesia. Setelah pidato beliau selesai tentang sekolah Pak Yohaness Surya, MC memperkenalkan ibu Kartika Kurniasari. Beliau menjelaskan tentang NYU AD, NYU AD dan NYU NY adalah pusat universitas NYU di dunia. NYU mempunyai 10 sites di Ghana, Jerman, Argentina, Italy, Inggris, Spanyol, Prancis, Czech republik, Cina dan Israel. Ibu Kartika menjelaskan tentang tahun pertama akan sekolah di AD dan tahun kedua boleh milih dimana saja di dunia. Universitas ini dibangun tahun 1831 dan mempunyai mahasiswa dari 134 negara. Universitas ini mempunyai 19 fakultas contoh biokimia, musik, sejarah dan teater. Hmm sepertinya saya tidak bisa memberi banyak detail tentang universitas ini. Terima kasih telah membaca blog saya. :)
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