Its been crazy this day but I hope I am not that nuts to you, readers. Up coming event is the THAMRIN'S OLYMPIAD AND CUP. Yup and I am the leader for documentary section. Gosh thats a big, BIG responsibility. I have change the cost for this secton 3 times. Not to mention that I am going to have a debate competition on the 28th of August 2010. plus making a slide show for the donaters. Gosh so much to do hah?! I am so freaked out right now... plus the cambridge A-Level exam thats coming soon!!! gosh... there you go I have a lot to do this month... wish me luck :)
1. IPB sains 2. turun 3 kg 3. NMGBC 2011 4. tur ke jerman 5. OSN 2011 6. beli kamera 7. buat film 8. ngumpul bareng guru2 mht 9. beasiswa ke luar negeri 10. puasa pol bulan ini
semoga goals yang saya tulis atau ketik tercapai amin